Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Cindy 4.1

As my birthday approaches this week, I figure it's a good time to write down my beliefs and philosophies as I see the world.

Cindy 4.1:

I believe life is good. It's complex and difficult and beautiful. I believe each of us is here for a reason; otherwise, why would life be so complex and difficult and beautiful?

I believe in kindness. Small acts or grand gestures -- the result is the same. I believe most of society's ills could be smoothed over with even a small measure of kindness, performed by people who go about quietly, unnoticed by cameras or reporters or bloggers or anyone else, for that matter.

I believe there is great power in silence. It helps me recharge and find solace from an otherwise noisy world. I believe it is powerful to be silent when others expect me to shout and react with fire.

I believe in laughter. It's the most important part of a rigorous health plan.

I believe in God. I believe I am his child. I believe He loves me. I believe in developing a relationship with Him.

I believe in having fun. I believe in hefty amounts of horsepower and driving really fast. I believe everyone should ride in a sailboat at least once in their lives.

I believe that chapstick and sunglasses are among life's essentials.

If the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, then I believe the way to a woman's heart is through the kitchen. Clean that place up!

I believe there will be food in Heaven.

I believe in working hard for what you want, and even for things that don't seem as important. They might be important to somebody else.

I believe in daydreaming and having dreams and working to make those dreams come true. I believe The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is like looking at the inside of my own brain.

I believe it's important to continually learn new things. Fuel your curiosity. Take things apart. Read books on every subject and observe the world around you. Then, take what you learn and use it to make your corner of the world a better place; especially if it's right within the walls of your own home.

Yes, I believe life is good; but I also believe it is up to me to make it so.

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